Saturday, November 30, 2013


What could I say of here?
Humid movements of clouds
legs strange desolate plus
volcanic fire glow answer
green wind all night long plus
frothy high tide loudness
it is this chit chatty focus
skimmed away to find you
your garden your fountain
dipped swam there with
clouds their makings.

Keep Me Close

In rooms speaking
in bedrooms at tables
a little lamp
lit up on the night table
this is not
my life either why do I
think I decide 
my refuge
my name
my plan simple
if I could only locate
my dim pocket

Monday, November 25, 2013

Didn't Listen

Body different than mind
today last night I thought
where is my friend
to mint warm
last straw a wizard
on the box I stare at Boulder
wish I could be there.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Structure, Localization, Function

What do I they know horizon line
it bends past stars and into this
character sweet it was the other
moment where I lived caught
wind rain fog where it is fresh
thinking tell them tell them more.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

That Was me

A moment very long ago
ancient history my face
yours secondary same
I need to look at letters
very closely what have
I missed I will find self
contained small manageable
now right now preserved
my wrappings not visible
but framed with plastic
boundaries daylight.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


My mind in one direction again swooping
round at standstill point I wait.

Everything taller than me.
Some with a muse or two.

It was radiant it was then
now help me help me.

Meeting in five minutes
the wait is endless can you

hear it flicker the on and offs
nowhere around anymore.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


We were supposed to highlight
number paragraphs about blinking
about lies open eyes and resting brain
got caught up in whispers fleeting
kindness a passing flow breath jump
hopeful glued to familiar emphasis

Monday, November 18, 2013


His hand won't heal and that's become a problem
it has become another chance to change
everyone has advice to describe it there is the
space and what gets in the way in that space
a few breaths except if it is pain then it could
depend on the look of things shame
of it the man he thought he was
disappeared without his giving consent
tables turned even a head's up you are
been great we can huddle I know you know.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


This that way elbows
green wind at nine forty-nine
back for an answer glimpse
Mr. French, Buffy, Jody,
Cissy the search Uncle Bill
inside the screen pressed
numerous buttons clicked
here there entirely random
just lots of Brady Bunch.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Chocolate Trees

Cook Island pine before fog
sweeps in over to the mall
Saffron Finches hidden jumpy
Oregon but warm out in the open
too much mythology huge mass
sudden and moving closer daylight
not what it was just a second ago
my clothes inside out I realized
just in time before we went in.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Places Weedy Taking Hold

Old beauty I match it
tiny arctic flowers
or grasses in all that
mind grazing expensive
luxurious pointing
as thought blows around
in it catching hold before
life breath electric fence.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sang Danced Ate Laughed

She sang she danced she ate
watched performances
thousands of years ago
laughing eating laughing
all that was inside
She lasted through the years
all wrapped up but bendable
careful that nothing was
disturbed from that life
long ago in the chamber
hers alone now airy see

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Long Ago

Fat planes from another war
got slimmer and slimmer
sped the back and forth
over moonscape
the others squinted at maps
little McNamaras all
now one free cuppa
at the corporate shop
boundary lines drawn:
no refill at all. Take it
or just try to leave
the long ago.

Friday, November 8, 2013


Thirsty moons
up down the slope
at the watershed
scree edge where
she loves the secret
clear air heavy with

Monday, November 4, 2013

Compare Contrast

Double vision out of each eye
holds me there while the bite
has bitten the rain has fallen
flying foxes have careened
past positive negative olden
trails to the window lead there

I Was

Me beyond all else
showed my toes
my imperfections
plain in sight outta
friends gentle
understanding was all
it took to keep when
later starved for it

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Dusk is a place loose
it clasps the sofa collapsed
land where I walk near music
cross into a land of simile
Trees cling to their own minds
roots branches sap problem
leaves twigs wind talk
as wind as more than wind
Just when I thought sane
thoughts they sparkled
burst instead while I held
still while I held it

Friday, November 1, 2013


I meet death yesterday
he was not a doctor
a few years ago
parasites invaded
he has been fighting
with water with flavor
now don't get me wrong
he did share but only half
such nice teeth but jittery
memory not all there he said
have fun teaching that was
not so comforting yesterday