Thursday, September 27, 2018

Making It

Making it real time is forgotten sleep impending in an instant add salt and stir add sugar be free This table has turned into the best result call the shots call it foul ghosts will meet

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Midnight Daylight The World

Maybe the world another choice baked or fried makes it true the other day my place it wasn't where I thought all the light I madenwhile my email dripping my own little dream could it be a knock and a look will this become a favorite night

Monday, September 24, 2018


The news from Voss is popular everything else little I will become the sun Remember myself I will recall what meets the eye yesterday I missed him today I miss the tough talk the folds and furrows another has spent a life at the five caves I dreamed myself there too signing up for every summer

Across The Room

I saw you across clean space it was close enough for comfort I saw how you ate and what you did with your mouthful Magic that could be said I have trouble saying

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

News From Voss

It can be very watery patches and all about Voss the tables we went to the falls the challenges apparent So what I thought about Voss what's the big deal now a long list I can do without while waiting for rain sun and wind to kick up

Monday, September 17, 2018

To Be Continued

This mess the ringing these facts break chills me does not move over life over death could we be the same would it be different the other day I looked up water in all its glory we are in the way land mass climbing out of the earth could this be the same mention would we have another thing to do this is the test this is the time So grateful we could stand

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Missing Elbows, Missing Link

Same but different so what could the self be except emptiness waiting to be filled? per normal if normal is what is required for this job keeping usual time usual place

Thursday, September 13, 2018

My Mind And Voss

Voss was on my mind a lot but I didn't really tell anyone about it even though it could have been a great conversation starter the cold and all the isolation past tasks duties high and low plus all the travel opportunities in such a place as Voss unforgettable in the extreme then stories after shall we say myth-making shall we say away from the daily grind

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

About Voss

This that about Voss how I fell in love his strong thumbs not on my body awaken now corridor lights too bright outside fresh rain traces Imaginary Voss vs. real how to choose as if this were a test of some sort and not random life happening or not happening could I be all wrong about Voss about the place another reason to be all about Voss and its people we should visit shake the tree eat the apples

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Voss And All

I wasn't thirsty but the point taken alongside all the rest indoor plumbing a miracle I realize so what happens anyway I wonder about my mind undone by time in a few decades I won't remember gasoline electricity either

Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Other Strange Coincidence

Really, an unopened bottle of Voss water in one of the classrooms? Isn't this a little too... what? Strange? Coincidental? Off the cuff really weird and then some not like other things trees and such reaching up that make me suddenly cry beside the river so what if that is the main point or the other main point but the slim and identifiable water what about thirst after all and the point being fluid

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Strange Objective

I remember when Rattling on about standard 4.1.1 the skies darkening and such all the way home crying ennui ennui into my coffee cream too expensive Big Island living so close to the sea how it pitched roiling along I remember Greg when I picked him up he was quiet a best friend not some random 4 Corners loser but taught me patient friendship is perhaps the best of all how did it happen with the tables turning keys around my neck

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Blank Space

There is supposed to be a lot more than meets the eye meeting the heart all distractions out of the way from here it looks like many things and when those are out of the way maybe we see the real places that were there are still insisting all along they shout along with or without their residue

Monday, September 3, 2018

Monday True

It is still Monday and still true. The same thing happened last week-- it did not change into a sort of joke although cruel inside of the other bit of chance could this be my life now realizing each and every Monday is before Tuesday and all the rest