Saturday, December 30, 2017

Be Back Now

When will you be back now your back receding the clocks are ticking away almost matching their breathing what say you to what goes on here I miss your bear face Be back now inside the building around the corridors I could climb the walls gnat clusters what else did I sweep away Moon tell me you are back claws and all your smooth all thumbs please pluck me back now all berries

Friday, December 29, 2017

Land So Far Away

Desert stewards Don't you know we will occupy the only and of course we know best our place and years in the thousands

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Curse Of The Whistling Custodian

Name that tune if you dare note the random even the wind has more rushing reason in these corridors let's go

Thursday, December 21, 2017

This Post

Is waiting strange empty is making the day break chill moon tang distant posting as

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Moon And The Sun

Water enough to go around around and around water episode inside the dream inside too late episode way to turn around round and round see you and your brightness around a round the place

Wild Like

Change wouldn't happen for a few decades warmer than what is necessary Arctic friends goodbye for now leaving isn't something the pipeline would finish off

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Out The Out Breath

Goes out the out breath inside the other noise out the daybreak in the minutes time inside the clock winding down in leaves keep my body close ticking of the signs

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Blue Berry

I got the cinnamon apple but I long to slog through the tundra seeking dusty blues trying each one out deciding upon the sweetness of each dream each heroic rescue until there is so much space without rescue that that too was a dream so sweet can you hear it calling out of the blue

Friday, December 15, 2017

Time Share Wood

There is a lot a lot of wood I will sit beside it and think think of you and me beside the wood before it burns and after burning it piece by piece down to the rational coals after all

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Curse Of The Cursing Custodian

Chapter One Closet Dilema The Forgotten Keys Squeaky Door The Dusty Doorjamb A Mystery Of Time Chapter Two Seven Seven Stairways Seven Curses Chapter Three Misplaced Mind Midnight Revenge Graveyard Shift Increments When We Were Kings

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


It was and wasn't spectacle linear noise wondering inside looking what's left air hug chambers in the wheel each with an apparatus on top the outside

Monday, December 11, 2017

Here Too The Tinny Sun

In the trees caught strict branches full of frozen fruit too icy for birds but the rats will feast parts of seeds leftover cake all the bliss blinks and leans into midnight a midnight list pack, socks, gloves however long it takes to be here to stay bling illusions touch it and look the illusions continue see my mind turning run it around and then some

What The

Empty parking lot train along river owl chased

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The King's Fish

But that fish belonged to the king that day not knowing or did he know was hungry anyway so much fresh lush soft waves bare shade reserved how they knew first at last she thought she was the cream he the tartar but maybe it was the other way around

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Wa Appenen

The tiny closet light warms up my world when it is just spiders for as far as the eye See we go til break all the trappings of all the world See the stairs entryways and basements near the alcove I see my mind recessed and oblique It never ceases working even when I sleep even when the moon brighter still

We Seem

We seem other but without the other I'd like the rest And sometimes the rest between I am supposed to the rest instead resting my hat

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Big Night

It's going to be a big night Jesus Christ a big night Out there fog so thick Elevator so slow in my building where a big hand grabs me by the collar shaking out the dust number 65 and a little 66

Monday, December 4, 2017


They don't know quite where they want to go three years on the streets of Eugene coffee too hot but I will make it last an hour at least cold but it will last at least that long I tell the young counselor about them about Denise and Robert about how it seems all about Robert not what I expected of this place along the river between the buttes If this had a meaning I would want it to mean I found them finally but instead they found me disturbing the peace as it's called restless

Sunday, December 3, 2017


My questions The non-answers More questions My own are figments Fragments hallway illusions Halfway from here To there deciding It would be so nice To have abundant supplies I would love the convenience It would be shining The take on it would be so Overwhelming please remember So what else changes Obviously the climate The purpose of nothing Cleaning dusting sweeping It all away from outside To inside to outside

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Afternoon Review

Because of the boathouse last time That is the other room Have you been there Remember the sauna sacred water Help yourself please look at the tiles How they hang perfect icicles The wrap round to the inside You need more of a transition Between outside and inside What else could you do Slightly undercooked This is because of the roof It looks so cool the reason