Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Company, Companion

So don't tell me
you've been sitting there
all this time
looking at dust mice
by the rag rug
I meant to clean up later
but thinking about space
is hard with the virus
hanging around just
hanging around

messing up my thoughts
plus my thighs and all
knees and ankles

Were they ever working
this poorly before
even up and down
the stairwells
in Deady?

--those nights
with a spray bottle
of 65 plus the extension mop
whatever it was called
all those months ago

Saturday, August 15, 2020

These Days

These days I see you turning
What is only a few seconds
in French this turns to mush

What I see you doing is flying
Or pecking something a tree
at the tops way up there

My nights have you near
So it is not as disturbing
but wait just wait for me