Saturday, August 31, 2019


Okay so what if I don't love you
but only say it to hear what it sounds like
out loud and silent to the trees their branches
all still no wait a slight wind stirring
rainbow shadows no color in sight
it's warmth on indefinite simmer

Saturday, August 24, 2019


What can I do
        except kiss your picture
make-out with your luscious lips
        against mine
your hands

Monday, August 12, 2019

Moon In The Way

Moon your face
washing out bits
of far off sky
dropping down down
to the table the tableau
let's make it fancy

ready for your decorations
did I say I love you
or only write it down
somewhere we both
would find

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Dream Where

Not just a promise
but the real thing
the dream in my head

The sky loves the river
I see why
this is crucial

The snow your face
beside it cooling everything
way down

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Strategic Bridge

Main square Moors
joined by private
hiring very well spent
reminds us very important
at an angle kill the dogs
tiny theater soulful
here it's the men
sad unanswered

Possible Slow

Slow time turns around
over the shoulder of the moon
sees between trees between branches
How could you not notice words
their birds all nesting at least
waiting like me for you
like the words you do not say
no matter how hard I listen
I only hear breathing and love
all what I am not supposed to

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Slow Time

With your feelings
With all directions
all ways

look under the sun

for these lives     we tell
each turn    too late
in these early days
of love

and love's moving parts
in our eyes will we look
where love heats
our cooling

hearts in each thought
do you hear it
my heavy feather
across your lips your eyelashes

Dream Of Long Ago

Bees told me how
instead of the other way round
not quite the end but somewhat
cornered here looking at dust
time and its friends luck work sleep

I knit together caterpillar hues
dark grey with citrine
it was always citrine

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Rollback The Time

A giant sheet
then going

You stand there
I belong here

Definite. Usual.
Do I need

this slips away
just when

rake me up
into your heart

the time is now

Monday, August 5, 2019

How Was How Is

How        life
is        going
so        much        so clear.         photos
look.        and look.         for the person
        so late      so angry     for not


for you


but what was it then
who was he

scowling       happy


Friday, August 2, 2019

How Did

It happened before almost the same
as this:

sky cool air animals invisible
life going along
then out of the blue
it seemed

so what now loneliness
or celebration a little of both
a lot of both
the train insists
as it always does
through town
all engines slowing