Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Books

Hid themselves out in the open
scratchy notes inside their smooth doors
What is possible when all else isn't
I thought there was a filter
instead all these strong grounds
take me places especially back here
The wind the breezy life blowing by
all the words their pleas and cries
More and more I think
the library should be intact
kept all together each item company
for all the others

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Kind Of Worried

Anything to do with my life
to do with a living
anything to do with tech
the ships only a young kid
on the bus a refreshment
a glass of water

Meet up right
Not working

What did you do with him
took the day off music
drums necklaces probably for
a gameboy exciting probably

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Rest Of It

I got in line for the rest of it
not the first picks
I belonged to the night now
and no other

spirit take me to Calgon
and all the cupcakes
found there

When I was a custodian
I looked and looked

the dust found me
my lungs sneezed
inside the best life
it was this and that

Plan to be there
lights out saving it
all the goodbyes
until now each last one
don't matter or do they

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Forgotten Tribe

They forgot me
in time I was left for dead

one o'clock
it was a type of flower
what sailed here
under my arm

Noon left me in shadows
I did not protest
but planning became routine

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A Flat

What was sooner what was later
if you catch a fish that will be sooner
faster river and soon the kayak

It goes around and that is so
if you want to go fishing
empty and so on worms

Saturday, May 4, 2019

When I Was A Custodian

The night was too short
in a moon minute everything went on
beneath the fluorescent ceiling
one panel always out in 102

Where was the dark night of the soul
I looked and looked finding that reflection
the wavy glass contained a stranger and when
I looked past her and on into the trees
a small forest with Shasta daisies

About those eyes almost closed
dust around each corner

There was an answer to my life somewhere
under the carpeted stairs between pages
of the math lounge and library
there in the obscure formulas
with such dreamy names