Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Although I had long dismissed it as a cold case, I realized that my Nome files may have to be re-opened, dusted off.  Even on summer break from my "day job" as "teacher" it would only be in my favor to revisit the eyeblink that was Nome, a place known for its Nugget, melting summer streets, and visitors from worlds away.  Yes, I would have to give the Eskimo yo-yo a whirl and unroll the blanket for some light tossing.  The Olympics were in sight now and there was no reason to not get in shape. This all involved sheer mental preparation.  Two weeks of Professional Development (courtesy of Race To The Top) would commence in approximately ten days' time.

Some quick backtrack thinking produced the results of the summer break:  taking care of an new eye exam, glasses, and removing an unwanted cyst from my back.  Plus, that scant trail of evidence left on Tom Clark/Beyond the Pale.  O.K., more than that.  Let's just call it the summer of the wonderful garden and eyeblinks about my other life.


  1. And let's just also call it the bitter summer that was made miraculously sweet by a large bomb-shaped box slowly relayed by some lazy Frogs, and one does not refer to the French people.

    Great thanks to the Detective and her brilliant Mother.

    The delighted partner likes the enclosed card. It carried her back to the better days of the bloodline in old Vienna. "My mother knew Hundertwasser!"

  2. Well, in the end that trace proved plentiful and full of further grateful leaping-jesus eyeblinks (for the-all-but-blind) (at the acuity of your detective work of course) all the way from here to Blossom Bar.
