Monday, August 27, 2012

Peer Observation

It is required to go and observe one of our peers.  The contact:  out the window.  

So-and-so did not smile at me when I climbed the stairs to U-Lounge.  Now, I can make a check mark beside the "no" box next to the question about their friendliness, their sociability.  Nobody will ever read the evaluations but they might be used as ammunition, after all, this is America and we are known for our violence, and then our justice.  What else have I observed about my peers?  That they have pouchy eyes and dark circles under them?  That they forgot to brush their teeth?  What are those red eyes?  Yes, I'll check off the box that says their faces look stressed, much like my own.

1 comment:

  1. Stand them all up against a wall, I say, and check all the boxes, like a proper responsible trigger happy peer evaluator!!

    (After all no p2p eval could be as cruel as those teacher evals your district has, wherein students rank their teachers according to the really essential criteria for educators. "Hotness" seems the key category -- indicated symbolically in numbers of chili peppers. Couldn't help wondering, though: wouldn't little volcano symbols have been more geographically appropriate??)
