Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Another Sacred

There's more to it than that
to the river the trees a small
meander the water is sweet
how did we get this time
was it ever as important
looking backwards if only
Raymond Carver influencing
is this how the journey
they say inner landscape
geography to be discovered
is not out there back and forth
trucks vans the useless tarp

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


The tarp  
slid off 
the fig tree
last night's 
heavy frost
too late
to worry

ignoring Sun 


so many
grassy jewels


Monday, December 29, 2014

Real Oregon

Exactly the same moment
extended idioms dripping
fog soaking olden day fence posts
branches brambly mossy ladders
everything decomposing part way
bricks of old town budge very little
addictions foremost enthusiasms
then dying little by little suddenly
the day is blank frozen moon
tiny night lights leaving shortly

Sunday, December 28, 2014


To own a washing machine is big
now everybody has all that he and Max
sleeping at night on the bench that was
after the war there was just nothing
and then he got a job at Nikolaus
designing packaging a large company
he took pictures for the calendars
he loved the out-of-doors he loved
after being a prisoner whatever was

Cheating what how free weights
of the truck gone from our boxes
stored on the reservation before
we got there then obviously opened
prints of the church things inside
probably someone from the mission
thought they looked good we leave
with nothing not one of those things

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Helpful obstacle
so many reasons
out the window

until proven
double it no risk
for your very own

Friday, December 26, 2014

Sleeping Alongside

Woke up and there it was
the mountain stream which would become
one of the major rivers further rushing
flowers brush waving white frozen crags
woke again to the big cats near the overhang
mythology's face through the trees hung with snow
heat birthing inside my body somewhere in the middle
glimpsing deer traveling hardscrabble slopes
waking roundish bear loping along the flats
honey dripping under smoky eaves

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Baby Orange

The size is tiny she loves
quite a few each one
different this thing falling
here not down here
He will want his own
choice or it will spoil
a moment of clarity
crumbs of stollen
tasty parts of the whole
Stollen is good you can tell
it only takes a half a cup
you do not believe me

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Putting Two And Two

Tried to find you
nearing the place
stars moon hidden
just an elbow
before losing track
beauty a problem
months years
astounding elusive
then the heart
recognizable animal
exhaustion later
mistaken as silly

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Owl Shirt

Inspiration my own hair
loving the area walking
so much I'd go look
before it got everywhere
tangled in woods across
my own shadow disturbing
that way we could all
forget for a few moments
pebbles our road muddy fresh
ideas found got planted took
root for instance mint rosemary
sunflower seeds tiny bulbs starting

Monday, December 22, 2014

Dreaming At The Mountain

In the rain drops warm
they sprinkle love
sugar melting slightly
over the nothing dreams
with the geese Monday's
log trucks house my mind
carry what are they--
toothpicks far away
from this poem why doubt
their return empty fast regular
breathing on the road our huge
monster pets not our pets
but the dark best time
sounding fast but isn't
the mill on the opposite end
of this valley graves facing
towards the west at Fair Oaks

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dormant Scion

The pear tree speaks

too warmly asleep
in the dead of these days
new shoots confusing
tricked towards stars
through the low fog
wood smoke heard
they moved up North
my old science teacher
remember him showing
the procedure after that
taking the class turtle
letting it into the ditch

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Plat K

Time is a temperature
reading now wait until cool
world grassy breath
perfume a report brewing
settling somewhere else with this
air more than fresh swale filling
Saturday's weak lights from across
the plat collecting everything falling
for fish they need more water
meeting their world getting to it

Friday, December 19, 2014


They fight on streets overrun
with words signs unicorn and devil
surrounding something like a car tire
wheel of life spun and flooding fields
typical but only one I-5 hawk dreaming
another one across the road scolding
where have you been where Nonpareil

all pressed down minimal activity
gone without the view for months starting
over at the river now facing the mill

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Two Families

Yes but libraries contain you there
between corridors their empty carpeting
muffled steps right behind at least
a world vastly unknown still
muscles attached to bone lifting
sorting through memories no longer
dim different see plainly through
to now to amazing cold air settling

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Nearly Here

Ever there across the way
reaching for them how
they move they march step
away in sections each step
closer is further animals know
this game the waiting nearly
settling counting geometric
activity with trees brightly

Monday, December 15, 2014

Going From

Point A to point B
too many bags
what I thought I'd take
didn't amount to much
just some junk I thought
so precious each word
scratched designs strange
when I'd know myself
needing proof of it

Saturday, December 13, 2014

I Believe I Feel

We go to pet the lava
now cool harmless mounds
frozen where the last creeping
pouring ended clean new
waiting for us for awe our shoes
green materials framed pictures
hair underneath eyes glowing

Friday, December 12, 2014

Landscape Reply

It was very dry even burning
then too wet where to put it all
draining too slowly finding
a new path downhill gushing
more flooding more than tears
they usually drip drop mist

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Landscape Interview

Who was up here wind
at the beginning and at the end
Nanook hiding in plain sight
all the cold in the world
seeping away atmosphere light
darkness a little bit they knew it
was serious when the jar of eggs
turned bad under the house

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What The

I can do this.
This is a breeze.
Missing her purr.
Mild trample.
It was later she was
only one left
bunch of animals
too much moon.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Moon Spruch

Moon tucking into cloud flowers
dark growling life tangled
swirly who counted mushy façade
fears ridiculous an old shoreline
exposed during low tide growing up
in the aftermath of slaughter words
as weapons taking over whole nations
inhabitants not all were full fledged citizens
but they had worked the hardest most diligently
at the time it was another misstep who would
take the time to become anyone else

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Karelian Absence

Took one.  Went to Karelia.  Sunk
my hand into the pelt of tundra bog
birches their fragrant messages
travel slipping over water mushrooms
in butter after tea after sauna it is good
air replacing my last family forever

Friday, December 5, 2014


Pick things you like
5.  do those things well
read see play better forget
own troubles 10.  pet enjoy
you can't control comfort keep
trust discuss tryingto and fightsolve
one at a time concerning 11.  work
walking dancing physical talk
accept change off for a while more

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Help protect this amazing wilderness
work it off take a break most of the time
this is where you revisit your thesis
two key points what will happen
your topic in the future effect
talk it out a gift for the audience
middle or body your purposeful information
leading to later thesis I'll remember
and so on things you can do if the key stuff
is at the end the readers may never see it
ready to be yourself the real you are causing

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Driving Still Dark To Work

Quiet I'll try it again apply words
a magic spell that's where it's at
in the transformation looking
large undulates can carry dreams
but still want the routine water
grasses sometimes mash nowhere
is different from here only drier
more cars and less volcanic

Monday, December 1, 2014

Swollen Zone

In the story she can chop down the aggressor
to pieces unlike day to day life one long string
of madness corridors fluorescent the transfer
her own choice didn't you know this catching up
latest nightmare know you are sick of hearing
lazy telling from the swollen East Rift Zone

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cases Turkey Cases Gold

Carcass windy
phone calls outside
orange mountain
cinder trail lined
river washed boulders
the burdens!
owls cactus The Milky Way
palms together
praying for me
for my secret spot
not so secret

Friday, November 28, 2014

Puna Midnight

What began ended up vegan
pumpkin where was the sugar
all in the whipping cream kindly
brought by Jasmine whipped up
on the spot healthy enough almost
Puna Midnight meaning nine o'clock

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Just Like The Song

We went there and it was just like the song
about it but we didn't remember its title
no matter how many times we sang it
somewhere in the lyrics we would find
meaning maybe blessings all lucky fat
feelings supposedly found on the shore
just walking along the beach easy looking
heads down strolling along toes bumping

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

State of Belief

Without an anchor all
would it help fair

The bright lights of the city
supposed to be welcoming
instead shining on problems

too many to count basic
love outside the circle

find it in the empty store
all the windows shattered
desperate words scratching
out a place with nobody home

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thinking in the Middle

Night the blank delay
path made ancient
Glacial Lake Missoula
I'll never show this poem
to anyone.  I've written several times
about this event.  Thinking of the elderly
gentleman telling about it telling us
at Apple Tree, Washington.  Was this
the tree of all apple trees?  Will I ever
know?  Spending more time
studying the tree, weeping.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


The tattoo on her arm was of a caribou
she put it there after the grueling teacher program
when questioned about it she said
she had grown up in Nome
(this was part of it
then it was funny (when her nephew
thought it was a chair
then some drunks said mosquito
what else but Douglas County
humor there (quite down to earth
all the big trees whispering

Friday, November 21, 2014


Olives in the fridge words as carcass
I'll never hear from main attraction
how the Bohemian said she liked
the wild although lower ranking
wood all around day running rid
best wolf for the job wasn't a wolf
at all could turn deadly dinner riskiest
rank share of the pack forced to defend
that idea of interacting closely extrapolating
too far beyond that particular situation
difficult to resolve best teacher natural social
environment which started earlier in life

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Leherin Detektivin

All those years ago she said to get indoors
Ajax Mountain I thought this was kind
one of the five or six times she spoke directly
to me outside the sign draping the wreaths
K.T. younger years are younger dreams?  Are
older years older dreams or is it all dreaming
until the wake-up call inspiring exploration
lovely appearances becoming regime nightly
lonely arrogance repeating ignoring repeating
brash brightly elevated giant slalom afternoons

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Heavy Hands Amok

Thick with flurry of documentation
called into office (secretly wondering
don't we all work for the State
employees of the people amok
squeezing massage beyond Swedish
making it all up for the big p
Power feel it five fingered heavy
little ideas off-track overturning barrels
barriers tossing words around
ropes bringing in the little calf
hot iron ready straight from the fire

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Promise Me Protect

It would be some place with no name
I don't mean Nome but somewhere
by then it would be considered urban
not Geneva or Zurich or even Paris
I was thinking Fairbanks just for the sound
checking up on my upper arms are they attached

What I think and what is here never matches
that's how much of a journey it is when
searching the reaches all white and sandy
edges grinding on edges imperceptibly
they've graduated from saying mom
It's modern it's what they will say about me
wasn't that ever my focus--

That's when questions will be silent at last!
They'll say that person died while living
with heads still firmly attached turning this way
rolling that shirt collars comfortable clean
Branches leaves above rain dripping down
sun promising more than what is all around

Monday, November 17, 2014

Green With Black

Here lies Susan K.

there a day's work (young minds
ins and outs of English)
there the owing Bohemian
owning pieces of nothing

Dead one earthy melting autumn day
grey clouds forming a  pink row
their application rated improbable
synthesis only a hunch
spies becoming bored analyzing
this idea still a little out of place
outside the ordinary green with black

Her mundane appearance baffling
even to herself Susan K. is dead
nearly half of the time lava didn't
stop flowing crackling pooling
just eight miles from the stairs
the shanty across from starry surf
large seeds detailing the reaches

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Less And Less

Thunder and lightning
hunched bunched flashes
rumblings night real rain
changed long ago nature
in my face glimpsing

Friday, November 14, 2014

Remnants Of

A sluggish river
legs tired climbing down
sweet waters Honeyman
Cleawox Lake warmest
dreams dripping left
tucked under daytime drip drop
flip flap nearly an island
behind clocks fish hide
beneath habits Gali Dali
really sir strong portrait

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Danielson Blah Blah

She spoke but I thought of the lava
thick as a house now rolling
fiery black glacier ignoring asphalt
anything the landscape its outer space
quick to pool in places
phone still announcing
messages from the dark
Beach Road surf spray hanging
seven Cs crashing cashing in

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Case of the Missing Velocity

Dot com pen and pencil
right now a cougar
dagger flyovers frequent
dying yesterday why

Monday, November 10, 2014

Just After Dawn

Five weeks passed
hoping for the best
Last rains cooking up
fantasies Italian food
biscuits gave him a ride
dysfunction central beats all
astir a red circle Family Fear
not enough talking fast
ate all the chocolate no ships
no planes nothing we knew
we'd rescued one extreme
passion shape repeating

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Bowl of Cake Cup of Marigolds

This seamless mosaic world
The backbone of night makes right
Please take phone calls outside spiral
sweetheart Polaris Capella Beehive Cluster
Vega Deneb California Nebula
The suffused light of millions
thinks you so much

Friday, November 7, 2014


Can't use the cinnamon enough, fast enough.  No matter how I sprinkle and pour and dash and dump.  It's there at the same level.  I wish I had a better disguise but what could be more perfect than just what I am?  In the guise of a teacher--I've become that shamed bureaucrat, that homely list-maker of rules and policies, nodding.  I defy those things from my window in Paris, putting on a black or grey sweater and some flats to go down into the streets to get a latte; cigarettes beginning to smell good to me again, each color and shape I encounter--a whole novel.  I bit into culture's crusty bread as if for the first time.  As if for the last.  No mind that looking back I would be considered a comic book character, no mind that looking forward there's such a watery life ahead.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Team Building Activity

Even with this.  Hungary.  Aquifer.
Such is everything.  I wish he had heard
a secret spa water healing the seat of the soul
just the trend now or at least in the paper I read
late last night moon filtering the day too late years
but he appearing between electronic words
floating florescent air-conditioned panic

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Deflation Interval

East Rift Zone
there's the rub
the release
calling nobody home
furniture elsewhere
lists agreeing to nothing

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Earth's Crumbly Mask

My sister Sylvia Plath mask
the tide pool black green under
heavy grey moon sky with wind
picking up in places around the edges
we swam almost alone showers
surprisingly warm evening ending
just beginning thoughts tea

Friday, October 31, 2014

Experiments of Syracuse

Lava being poured on ice and shrinking.  Another avenue to go toward alive unharmed or unhurt usually at night when nobody's looking. Did not want to be melted, fried.  An animal being played with, tricked. Painful to watch the video by the Syracuse scientists.  The icy platform became watery.  It became wet.  Looked for an escape and shaped itself, protecting what it was and what it wasn't, masking any sort of understanding.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Planet Lava

Earth inside
outer reaches
strangely hot
planet material
unlike anything
the surface

Tell me
rows and rows
eighty years old

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Lavender Commotion

The store didn't carry the lavender scented
laundry soap she wanted and it was most
important to have that soap magnolia will
do but it is not the same as the lavender
mmm oohhh lavender it is so great have
you smell it wonderful lavender

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Long Wait Short Moment

Creeping steadily over landscapes
out of the way places
over the used up 
the road loops around
impossible on the other side
they've got it blocked off now
to spectators 
only scientists allowed
with their measuring tools

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Something In the Grasses

Burning along folding unfolding
the heat a new birthday balloon
what fades here what is in the tube
sleep wastes time I never had
they released the blackfish out
into open waters finally ending
I did not mean for a rescue
thought only of the glinting
that this all means something
instead of papers folded away

Friday, October 24, 2014

Molten Rock

Different path down to the sea
could take deflation inflation
fingers reaching she has decided
wait for evacuation orders possible
to conclude using emotions using reason
then you will know instead of waiting

Thursday, October 23, 2014


That color of red
had never been seen before
her dress fluttering
drenching rain no wind
how could that be
from here to that over there
you could see his arms
chicken skin she wore a white
wrapping around her hair
where the two roads meet
gravel over where the temple
old bones dozed covered up
mad about that checking it out

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Double whammy
slim buy-in
foot in the door
slammed in face yet
this has shaken you up
all the way big time
to your common core
illusion gotcha logic
loopy written straight

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bewildering Surface Of Things

Beneath laminate brown
electric blue forest green
woven of grasses leaves
peace next day a disguise
for all hope gets buried there
new surfaces tell a story the inside
of a planet ill toxic please apply
pressure to stop the bleeding
bleed out your remembered life
speak of human civil rights speak
the right to be cared for the right
to be healing soothing saved

Sunday, October 19, 2014

I Spy Something

Green it is grey in the rain
passing fluttering normal
ocean if this is a dream
why am I dreaming the sun
goes in Scorpio in a few days
you'll be feeling much better
he said I thought my hair

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sails Woven Feathers

Staying put longer than going
decade stretching flat
how is my English he asked
do you write something about the storm
This time different
wind same same rain
cement floor quite familiar
carrying dreams into another room
everything gone from the walls
moved on leaving swept up ants spiders

Friday, October 17, 2014

Shelter From The Storm

Now the rain is starting
lava a north or south decision
windshield film gone fresh
backpedaling motion
this is circus interest
taming small beasts
to sit wait cages warm
dry complete sadness
wishing for Major

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Trained by corporate babies
turnover rate extreme
what do I care
fragments fragments
fragments figments

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Corporate police report:

suspect seen reading Shakespeare
Great Gatsby and one perp even taught
poetry the whole year tell me people
what were they thinking we have changed!
now College Bored educators for &
career readiness Where did you go over lunch?
Well I stopped in the Public Library saw
read absorbed Loading Mercury With A Pitchfork
how the neighbors stood around to watch
around the pickup buy the elixir snake oil
from the dealer we're not asking but mandating

Monday, October 13, 2014

Data Embrace

Eyes arms mountains
wrap around it head hands
wrap around it if you can't play
you won't win if you don't play
you've got to play to win around it
Just quit just walk away all the way
around the mountain it is 67 miles
shortcut or regularly it is eighteen
a two and some hour drive just to reach
the work site the job site the timeline

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Lava Land

We swam with Casanova
he had shaved off his beard
I saw his pale chin vulnerable
moonlight up where
we don't belong
here looking

Oozing down the mountain
blobbing long cracks burnishing
forest flat leaving gold black

A wide pavement behind nothing
starts from scratch

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Moon Shell

Bowl balancing disappearing
his enthusiasm for all things
contagious deliriously catching
I caught it held on for dear life
at home paintings of the shore
purple rocks washed symbols
trees haphazard little wind much rain
cat black as a bear eyes cane colored
I'd like to go see the ponds where he
painted waiting for movement

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Bohemian Flair

He said the city was a mummy
the whole country really
seen thorough wrapped-up
eyes made downcast focusing
houses their curtains gauzy
closed-up money smell
he was French hated the Nordic
merchants you can say Gothic
ghost town compared to Paris

Monday, October 6, 2014

By The Way

By the way have I thanked you
for picking me up out of that muddy
stretch I got bogged down with the West
sky colors made vibrant sooty
pretending the new boom just up ahead
under the boardwalk in Nome hearing
so many gold nuggets dust and the like
stories would not replace Philippe
how it ends up pockets turned inside out
collecting just the smooth ones
absent context but so beautiful thumbing
them leaving never quite alone lonely

Friday, October 3, 2014

World Older Than Ours

Bernard up to the white world above
the adaptations are of no help with the perils
above because of public outcry the pups
too vulnerable she sleeps meanwhile a debate
rages some announced a waste of resources
ironically Bernard finds a pup buried in the ice
the mother will recognize it as her own what would
happen each is an integral part of the world time
running out in a world older than ours

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Black Blue

Not only skulls and shattered bone
the bottom is littered with debris
Falco finds hope in recovering
even more important finds
the tunnel deep the air precious
flushed through a strainer into
Calypso's side even a pocket sundial
gold coin Captain Cousteau also descends
finds himself baffled by the confused wreckage
below one finds evidence of the explosive
Falco suggests Cousteau quickly agrees

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dear Fan

Thanks for watching the show
it will continue without further notice
The whir of hell are many degrees gone
My face my dogs my wolves know it to be useful
baked in the desert made chewy
my friends take care chiming in

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pillow First

The stains cried out to the fire ants.
Sprinkled, as they were
tears large, loopy
Dropping drops after lightning
over the water did nothing
through the bug screen
her scream dripped down
around her after the hand
scared him it was hers
there in the shadow reaching
She had just come home
from the skeleton school.  It was
not far from the encroaching lava
after the storm trees down
knuckles knees elbows ankles

Monday, September 29, 2014

Furry Shadows Fuzzy Trees

Nightscape sounding dim at dusk
swim warm not cooling down
I sent out a theme knowing
what to do where to go
stress sticking around for dessert
a shower laundry piled up I hated
washing it removing all stains

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Lava Lake

Level a little less
pages touching pages they are more
or less kitchens we noticed the plight that was awkward
it came to be it was another
time of resistance a doctor the blanket
red stripes black hats conversations
beginning ending forgiven feline

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Same Name South

Slippery shapes opposite.
Their footholds precarious.
It doesn't look inviting.
Gaining more loss passing.
Give what do what think what
pleasing strange life dashing
to darkness where it went
during the day standing nighttime
purring claws desert's fangs

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Yesterday's Mind

That the bleak did not stay so
charcoal smudged away to blur
blues water cosmos colors petals
shown again beyond fears of empty
worry from a mind so generous there
are no words that equal this explored
territory this map reading so pleasurable

Monday, September 22, 2014

As Competition

Dragging my feet timing is important
ha what what did you want? You're OK
Take the bug what could happen to kit and
caboodle Kalapana another idiot that lives there
so that's what they get I don't have much sympathy
for him weird opinion doing her stuff telling
like it is listening respectful torn up outer reef
we'll see in a way to the ocean a purpose there

Friday, September 19, 2014

Lifestyle Interruptus

Earth's honey burning the way ocean
pointing out the dump the meat-grinder
substandard infrastructure in a world
to regain her health swarming is allowed
as much as possible most docile at that time
miracle force of nature moving handling
flowers rain seeping cooling singing 
silica lovely such a good queen dripping

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Burning Dirty Cloud

It's got data written all over it
have them gather (data)
until the lava slips (data) over (invented)
boxes your things no we mean stay here!
waiting gathering dizzy tight through trees
danger slides sideways puffing
widening headache thick tongue

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Out of the Way

Safety last at the school tight chest
hands on throat tickling army planes
keep collecting data answer to the data
meeting asking do you understand
your data?  any questions about how
students are learning all the check marks
saying no teaching occurring no learning
working free rice dot com not enough
invisible volcanic breathing creeping
slipping past the forest down to the town

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Way To White Mountain

Our neighbors went back to fish camp
boat all packed up gravel bar
checking my mosquito bites
they were gone
around the fast bend
Nome not the only soggy edge
mushy world beyond the driftwood
beyond the beach served up as leftovers
after the feast a few days later

Monday, September 15, 2014

Danger Question

Danger travels down the mountain
crossing highway methane
they don't have questions
only answers clear morning cloud
There they sit all at one table smiling
at the slaves running around clowns
hearts on their sleeves savings spent

Friday, September 12, 2014

Make Art Not War

Orange hill purple burst with yellow
the blossom shows inside ingredients
stark feline rounded creeping mind map
connecting fang sweeping insane away

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Protecting the Den

One of the instances a Siberian
will turn man killer
they tested the flares
night is the time far superior
The signal once faint
getting louder the team must be
quickly in and out of the den
not just for fun serious work

Yeah yeah we got the spot rejection
A healthy male
Never learned to purr Sasha
christened for the first time ever
scientists returned to the wild coastal
even to live with the idea village afraid
as a species an enclosure in an adjacent woods
hopefully even mate well informed especially now
local schoolchildren to the compound why keep tigers
so different from life in the wild limitations
simply following tracks through the snow

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Five Double Yous

Where she had it stored
another place she remembered
wasn't there something someone
inside all that weaving
cool dry making sense

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

That Was It

That was it for me but not for him
that was finally clear as mud constant
The loan needed paying it was easy
where it went was mind boggling
reaching out I did not believe it
The task was inside another one
sealed nesting dolls each
a question mark no answers

Monday, September 8, 2014

Land Line

Down around the town
in the rain up from the mud
cane spiders the shack
still leaks despite the patch
I bit the cupcake instantly
regretted my choice my control

Saturday, September 6, 2014


It was difficult to detect what was happening
exactly it was out of place to speak so
anyway questions came up and I glanced
at the clock that one question didn't worry me
until she bought it up was that what I had been
thinking deep down I don't think so it was always
something else occupying me or was it was this
the parasite I wanted to identify could I stop
becoming that sort of teacher you know which
the disguise no longer that at all but true identity

Thursday, September 4, 2014

On Site

Creeping they'll visit the most the best
in case the data was false never mind
clean it up later repair the missing structure
all better the next days ahead productive
wiped clean fresh start to everything
recycled from last year's pretending

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


It is only individuals
who starve
for the future
three years
working my way up
dishwasher host server
ten dollar tip
from the folks
at the side table
they ate almost
Jim Morrison
relaxing music
lava flow one point
two miles away
we smelled the burning
it was in our backyards
Pele's tears made it all the way
in the house
hair on the ground

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Past Due

If it could only be thrown out
with the bath water staunched
then disappear from the earth's skin
travelling down-slope to the ocean
Our only company has been our fear
hissing sentences shouted glottal stops
sweating no wind neighboring barbecue
words for what is left invented
skeleton moving today take it to heart

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Love's Strange Raft

I was so glad to finally reach the trail
a wooden spider
witnessing the cinnamon bird
kill a friend
climbing up burnt sugar
sideways after the frothy waters

I forgot the hurricane the volcano
Nature a tired sliding becoming thinner
specked yellow fat licking dusty skunk air

At the edge of the abyss cougar and lynx out for the view
aspen twirling weaving clouds close by the lake
It's faster at least looking up again where all the action is
it is so beautiful
spelled out
in a certain magazine

Read the owl the jackrabbit short lives narrowing
The chocolate river freely

Friday, August 29, 2014

USGS Application

Steam in a crack paralleling Pahoa
infrared disappearing near the geo pad
part of it meaning ever flowing
so what about changing it
anyone can propose just apply

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Vocabulary List

Be my guest
take your time
please wait outside
talk to the union about this
I work for the government
the Seven Strategies
Smarter Balance
Acheive3000 the ACT
the Gates Test
free rice dot com
until the bell rings

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Graphic Organizer

Rate the next and other part see how you feel
the lava is two miles away at the community
meeting they told everyone to prepare
for what might happen close by or through
town it came through before there was
a bowling alley other shops at that spot

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Winging it through days left
after tree storm find out now
what could it be today before
the hump of tomorrow an animal
to stroke keep quiet ignore its stamping

Monday, August 25, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Writing About What Happened

In the beginning on (date)
first to begin with the start of
it started when it began on (date)

2.  Not long after second next then
the second thing and then

Next third...fourth...fifth

Now then as and then

After Finally Last at the end
and the last thing after everything
in conclusion

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Nice then nicer
too bright all working
what should this
where I ran what I hid during
people treated
the sense it made government

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pilot Light

Hidden then found out before too long had past
Instructions backwards what we could forget
Time disappeared there underneath the castle
Just the crawlspace a match and the heater
cooperating at last  I heard a resentment
Almost missed a presentation lemon leaves
Why I'm not on his feed what is the question

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Clear Road

The road is clear
Something happened
between the trees bushes
upside down branches
The shade is gone
the tunnel open
landscape remember

Monday, August 18, 2014

Power Grid

Unhooked eventually knowing
a lot of fuss will speed things up
forgotten ones left to their own devices
food everywhere ice water thanks
out of candles out of matches
everything now seems expensive
unnecessary shuffling beneath the deck

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Overnight there was
house noise next door
someone coming quietly
middle of the community
candles propane flowers

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


We found something had changed.
The look of it the feel.
Raking helped. A lawn appeared
in the glass the fish smooth boulder
they worked together stayed away
solo couples came from another town
to get free water beef stew had to toss
carefully eaten edges off edges

Monday, August 11, 2014

Night's Knees

On knees night
uneven tipping
pressing down cautious
where have you been
we'll repair the roof
take fish into shade
sweep the glass
I now know what
it's like all night cracks
sky earth torn away

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Body Ran Dry

There is water on the moon
frozen hidden impossible to extract
now more than ever topsy-turvy
what was calling me to look
why did I turn away too large
too small shadows crossing borders
over and over that's why the prophecy
coming true signs the young
the old did they take the time
to listen speaking about it

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mere Seconds To Say Goodbye

Where are the photos of them those strangers
three of their eight children who did not survive
bombing was it yesterday or was it seventy years ago
I know their names but not how they want them pronounced
where the stress goes what shorter form good
Does my face show distress I am a ghost finding out
how to find them by knocking on doors of rubble
picking up toxic phones listening for wheezing
sighing anything pieces of papers their signatures
what loops they use which way they slant

Monday, August 4, 2014

We Could Have Stayed Home And Died There

Instead the box I carry
air capsules all I could salvage
glad no fire bomb that was later
The truth the only one escaping
evaporating did not discover
quite settle things invasion near
my own trouble taking a disguise
days return cloudy thick with denser
air given a refinement given directions
to nowhere to nothing that anyone can find

Friday, August 1, 2014


I came to the place I left
It looked exactly the same except
brighter in places dimmer in others
I saw the way the foxes tussled
sparring on their hind legs tundra
shots obviously from the road
from heavy vehicles through mud
past the past and on into glimpses
mountain hidden then not
bigger than a name to the story

Thursday, July 31, 2014

What Did They Say

What did they do
for money
what did they use
what was
the use
pulverizing people
homes history it is
us that we're killing

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I looked for my home
up in flames it was reported
I asked the army of boys where
I should look they were not the ones
to ask but I did not know this until later
when I risked everything to go there meet up
what else was I supposed to do when nobody cares
I would keep going back to it to the same things I thought
real then turn away still looking without logic crazy ruining what
was left my body all in one piece (almost) except for the loss of blood

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

All Clear Signal

Listen for clock-like or unusual sounds
divide room in four heights
ground to waist
waist to head
head to ceiling
above ceiling--false ceiling
Interview the person in charge regarding
the nature and gravity of the threat
Seek a blueprint or floor diagram
visual check suspicious article or device
immediately report to police

police or other authorities will take over
immediately upon arrival at the scene

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Earth Dust Broken Shapes

I walk near Fair Oaks Grange
see a wrapper from a Charleston Chew
Plat B Road to meet Nonpareil tall firs
where the slender American Kestrel
roughly the size and shape of a Mourning Dove
wasn't there this evening across from the cemetery


Makeshift moment drags out
we see their faces their blood
what can be done fear knows best
through generations mowed down
out with the trash kept in the earth
life is what gets away goes chasing
ghosts who resist after all is said
done that day who will touch this
unnecessary indiscriminate killing
of a large number of human beings
or animals as in barbarous warfare
or persecution or for revenge

Friday, July 25, 2014


Time passing does not erase blood
does not belong where it dries as
violation excuse obvious life as trash
nobody calling out stopping leaders
even larger bombs to no end no speaking
leaving things to play out with no goal
Where is the stopping point where does
this change walls should be blasted instead
why are the solutions difficult why do they
hang out with down time so young afraid
next to nobody left in huge small worlds

Thursday, July 24, 2014

While Hidden

The people returned after the blast
seeing where they had prepared seeds
managed the garden under starlight
same moon stars clouds sun wind rain
About the flash of light all it was
Surviving without broke her heart
she said this on the small hill near trees
why would they bomb so close to a church
right across graves statues decorations rich
inside stony silence dusty cold in summer
after so many false alarms which was real
her heart dying of its broken pieces held
together supposed to integrate hide no
place for this the others changed

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Luckiamute River

Muddy land water will not raise my dead
arms from haying heading for the coast
salmon memories even further away
grasses July ends soaking camas
swale new raven drizzle berries ripe
fruit not falling off wall of green
thinking of manzanita madrone jay
higher up glittering slanted canyons
going into the Umpqua the rustling brush

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Killing People, Traumatizing Generations

She has a rash on her neck face and eyelids
they are swollen nothing hurts her as much
as it did before does when others have to go
through the same bombing terror confusion
repetition the future will be difficult to read

without the help of the president double it
eight things one should do for longevity
if you want to live a long life that sounds good
to me I really don't feel we tried to call she was
the only one actually now I think the other person

pictures of the stumps up there one continuous line
you were at Dry Creek Store as a baby we have
a picture of you sitting at the table same light
on the pavement constant saw a big truck cats
caterpillars they move the trees to another place
to cut it looks one sentence runs into another

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Water trim and pull in case
it will be forgotten in the next days
weeds sprouting blackberries stuck
taking over dandelions dominating
grape vines pulling the others down
knowing all the things to be afraid of
refusing to know worry for a few minutes
let go don't tend what is constant grating
sun dry wind put lavender around roses
deer don't like the smell won't even try

Friday, July 18, 2014


The crater didn't move but looked different
angles it stood out from the rest
landscape due to its size and shape
dropped off to desert on one side the Great Basin
We usually took the wrong road that sprang up
before the real turn that was a shortcut to the station
manned by young people this time cheerful
Every single thing had personality even the pumice
even the railings at the overlook into it you could
look at layers and see the blasted out geology wonder
what the people did when it blew they died came back
later the same people worked down at the lodge she said
the matches were free unlike anything else in the store

Thursday, July 17, 2014

To Bits

We meet up on the hill unable
the possible betraying thinking
returns to the recent and does not let go
round and round horses of advantage
swift grouping dispersing disappearing

beyond it look for shade pockets
where the earth has not been disturbed
patches around famous flat breath of road
seeing dull mirrors our dinner plates smoky
where to look we are animals today same
body blood pain so then what is real

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Sing the old songs
once they stop weeping
grief prayers popular
party music it is mostly
a careful garden
along the evening river
in then
to ocean
you can't run

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Moon Houses

Recorded wrecks craters rubble fires
broken everything seeing everything
seen everything years don't lie
they are on your dusty face
turn into a rat live that way
garlic soup always on the menu
something would later give
die in the round suddenly direct

Monday, July 14, 2014

Bear Veria

He wrote a longish poem about what he saw
his senses working overtime just like the song
what did I sign just now in Roseburg a few spaces
down so everything would show that's how it went
It is hard to trust anything it moves slower than
on TV but ends quicker eyes blink it away and then
gone spoke about how she first saw the mountains
realized how beautiful they were small plays she
was in so much more intense than when everything
was so real it took years of imagination to see

The Beach They Now Wanted

They walked through our site
sat there smoking It did not matter
food Where we slept the daytime
night moon falling quickly
What would happen
it was the beach
ruined before anybody
didn't mind sharing
lives over entirely And why should we
Paid for it watching trees grow into animals
others carefully ignoring us Jealous
kids to kill us More than ordinary
Only air alive on our side

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Wilderness Is

Your mountain has liquefied
it has become a steep waterfall
a stream then a brook a tiny river
grasses heated a motion overstory
dozens climb here squirrels flying
at night edge of a crater filled
with water find a home here
over the boat house you and me
above it all but close zipped tent noise
something killing something else
the lake pearl-colored splashing
night animals under cloud-cover
dust from the old explosion grit
scrubbing dreams of thousands
the fish catch this keep it down

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Into A Chore

I chose them but she took them back
returns desk two greeting cards
for the memorial someone we barely knew
constantly heard about a burden to no one
this was later on this person was an artist
trust fund never spent forever fearing

Got the money back too expensive she said
one of a butterfly one of a dandelion
next would be a blowzy state
the wind coming up just a little
seeds all over the place

After the war she worked her routine
on railings at the hospital entrance
gripping thin metal swinging around
after watering her parents' graves
at the cemetery across the street

I sent them anyway they didn't seem
for someone else we never knew
signed our names sealing the deal
the deal forever taken away again

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

To No End

He called his sister a wurstkaetzchen 
but it was in a nice way although rough
she was called schlampige these moving
in the room by the sink memory another 
invisible family member a twin a ghost
always at the table so hungry eating 
nothing but making due now it's the last
thing she says before going to sleep what 
is the total why does this infuriate me

Monday, July 7, 2014

Myselfie Alive!

Told me to quit it cut it out have at it
still myselfie persisted in bringing out
things, woke up in a cave of leaves
a cave of flowers
clouding my judgement.
All for myselfie-- hair clothes attitude
I bought into more than ever
got into it, promoted, got
promoted by it.  I worked it
worked it good
came and went
without anybody knowing
my excellent hiding places.
What myselfie was really about
right in front of their noses
plain as day flash lovingly
held at arm's length.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Temperature Museum

Round shadows flat
kingfisher zipping
crumbling scree
gold mine pay dirt
where childhood
would've been located
mint water liquid mountain
Douglas fir blackberries ash

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Dimensions of the Fourth Kind

Transient understanding why
trailing lights glittery
crackles thuds tracing sighs
explode one two nights per year
messy explanation mainly
entrancing twenty-five minutes
in chairs on blankets
not like somewhere else
the other side of the world
where everyday meals
come complete with the uninvited
elegance color light of the real

Friday, July 4, 2014


Shouldered my responsibility belt slung
full of holes useful pockets ignoring stars
their inviting twinkles moon crossing into view
almost harmless wandering around in a circle
got dropped off there with a map spent days
searching for the animals that hid in the daytime
night was a different matter the sage cool a path
it was fun tracing my way back to America
who would have it after all who would find it

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Under branches trees early rocks
light moving along the river deep spots
who would've known about it except for
an arrow pointing over a dripping culvert
the path slips past a guardrail poison oak
to the land of the stone flies in their casings
across a stand of snags below The Narrows
so much air heading from the mountains
breezing down the canyon in the sun

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


She signed her name with blood
of a lemon on paper held it
over the toaster cold then hot
war was in progress her
signature everywhere evaporating
a perfume on its way before her
also left behind she walked so

It was a slanted line she drew
with her finger on small screens
in stores at their booths awnings
It meant she was agreeing to being
there to her a performance energy
before and after so easy wasn't it

She stared trying to find out what
an expert analyst found so amusing
(hilarious) embarrassed in front of everyone
Later matched it with famous names
traits not so funny but strange in the everyday
world a small carved stingray dangling outside
around her neck it looked heavy despite its size
inside weighing a lot for a thing so small

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


There's Sober Girl and Teacher A
I am close with Educator yet despise
when she drinks her coffee black
Deli Counter is for back-up
all she is concerned about
then there is Investigator 
under investigation most indefinitely
Teacher A forced to be Teacher
but Educator substitutes steps in
takes charge carries the ball forward
full of hope even on the losing side

Monday, June 30, 2014

Besides Myself

I was so outside that everything I needed
contained within my universe extraordinary
galaxy where time didn't matter only intimate
loves habits familiar it became crowded I managed
despised the process results very effective getting
me out and about to my favorite places I could not blame
any one but used the fullest extent beyond imagination
Nobody else could quite imagine my need so great I didn't
concern myself canceling delight equal it was noisy
They would find out about this later on how cooly
my star as it blew up trailing pieces proving
I was never alone in fact I was too busy leaving
at my leisure you could say a very reliable way to go

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Linger, Caramel

This time I noticed what was added last
walnuts how many she put in tiny brains
she thought it would make a good breakfast
package says German's sweet for baking
not regular eating even though they don't
eat this in Germany we make this here

Choose between sleep and moving awake
almost the same how the art was formed
from a dinosaur bone from Oregon jade
with a typewriter I wedged myself into
the picture into trees between dark spaces
toy deer fashioned from felt too many fawns
small signs of burnt wood for labeling the garden
dandy wind chimes heavy bleached flat bones
perfect landscapes framed waters strolling
uninvolved past your legs over your feet
the lawn very muddy thoughts very clear
wear it have it ask yourself if you want it

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Outsider Art

Outsiders inside the art center
slip through popular bets
hand on the panic button
each hair in place so they say
farm magic surface seen
each step examined
numbers on the low side
green feeling on the high

Friday, June 27, 2014

Shrink To Fit World

With nothing left to lose
fight hell minutes hours
before time the game good
resources the all-around curve
extra mile sheer luck in fast
plays itself instead of
played lives pumped crumbling
stair steps known altitude which way
corners pockets of least resistance
which side such extreme condition

Thursday, June 26, 2014


They sang about heavy boats so heavy
down into the sea imagine no religion
sweet chariots son on drums
breaking up beyond the rainy river
meadow larks warblers wash board
vagabond haunting whistle through
tracks disappearing effort downpour
beauty of that floating focus good for
the garden what got planted starting

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's June Talking

Go to the currants thirsty under their newspapers
read the Umpqua Shopper while picking pods
behind the birdhouse nothing stirs grasses wait
hair-pulling strawberries already getting into it
garlic pretends not to notice what the raspberries
are doing top leaves of esteem just ask
the chocolate mint in and out of the box
over by the German chamomile it is time
to pick lettuce trim back grape vine yoga
iris tongues their sharp crisp edges
June's cedars roses lilies lavender
pale globes of fruit hard and stuck
branches stems leaves eyelashes

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Down On Their Luck

Naked except for feathers fur still

their hunger did not stop even when
over for the day there were feelings
despite drugs slim views of the others
sleep memories days furious surviving
their own magnificence not adapting to
animal body visitors glimpsing something
disturbed stumbling strolling heartbroken
A loss with no words for it the score looking even
settled although nobody thrilled about it happening
already escaping to the woods rivers jungle old trails
to ocean shore cave tree plain mountain following

Monday, June 23, 2014


Shasta daisy glow long before log trucks speed empty
to higher elevation staging crew anxious
get the destination started over every
two minutes another rumbling super sonic
gear shifting down clocking fresh time
The river hiding the rest of night swallowing
last thoughts stones lit batteries blazing ideas
Have we come this far only to pull weeds
murder the entire forest nobody looking exactly
all the way inside where we live almost endure
desert close to the sky the other side

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Why is it so difficult to look
follow watch at times
especially the shot easily in
my mind walks away on vacation
to focus on the second replay
angles so different from blurry

Each time I promise
be there where the action is
see exactly the point made the score
through to the net past the minder
obviously up on the board
an afterthought was it really
me in each position every play
keeping out what easily goes in

Saturday, June 21, 2014


D-Day! film at the IMAX that war
winners and losers all wars all losers time
soon or time later what mixed me up
about it not clear as the glass sculptures
quite nearby it became the focus
color light melted sand twisting
beautiful forever cautioning

Friday, June 20, 2014


Where to start how can that be
start as usual in the middle
this thought breaking cracking
in two wasn't it a moment ago
naked before fog birdbath still quiet
today frothy apricot
a strange mountain its own cloud
what drifted so easily into this
across the old trail its name
on everything imaginable
no me no you just plain us
no them no now just here
clearly undecorated

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Playing With Vapors

blink waiting
we were on
the bus
passing groups
clumped houses
I pointed
no answer
why could this
be so mysterious
now just thought
the actor that
played you
said so
that's when
it got weird

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Know How

To love Eugene alleyways
what used to be vacant lots
Skinner's orchard basaltic Saturn
yellow roses named Helmut Schmidt
orange Champagne Cocktail red Liz Taylor
when did the Black Tartarian Cherry
start looking so spidery a secret egg
a golden apple how can I not know how
to love the sawdust river pretend no smell
saturated outside the WOW Hall hanging
when I thought everything else
would be missing too

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How To Find Sutherlin

the plastic bear
drive-thru cigarettes
Bi Mart
log truck convoy
tall thin loads

ghost camas fields

gigantic flag

Oregon Gifts
Payday Loans--
to where
it is

Monday, June 16, 2014

Catch And Release

Lush foothills old waters magic
berries their steudele from plant
to fruit to seed leaf-eyes closed
bright tang cannot be proven
my promise to pick then rinse
one day before the big rain
clouds full their drops individual
we choose Honey Locust
Tibetan Orange I hope they
don't hate it that their kitchen
now matches McDonald's or
a certain nation's flag
huge dream arc doubled

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Big Bunches

Ideas growing in clumps
under the eaves
The war was long over I smoked
like a soldier by the lake
birds knew me then did not
know me the hay was picked up
almost too late but the farmer knows
better  the law of gravity of motion
Structures so round the town not
at all hope moves in the yard very full
a trick that last year up ahead
falling into place wasting no time

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Were Before

The knot loosened a little the grip relaxed
the past didn't have as tight a hold as it did
in broad daylight the trees enormous it was
the best thing about the town except for
music river rose cedar smell that swept
away dreaming of shadows standing
where they were before so hidden and cool

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Past

The past continued as it had people
very upset by much of it pieced together
only part way geniuses highlighted
in such a way that everyone missed them terribly
wished they were still alive solving many problems
what you now know is what they were up against
nearly impossible to translate except repainted
with familiar symbols and faces and cutlery

Domestic Rustical

They went home they were at home there
where everything looked suddenly strange
a tree was not just a four letter word for example
rocks peered up like babies and the asphalt
a tongue on which to form abstract thoughts
while driving always driving relatives appearing
out of the woodwork friends dropping by he told
of when he was little brushing the grass with a hairbrush
she spoke of eating it down on all fours then getting sick
just like a real animal one that is half domesticated
They were watched by a god thankfully absent
because then there would be no traces of foul play
the landscape a resentful second fiddle a passenger
riding shotgun responsible for unlocking and locking
opening and shutting the gate as was the way out here
before it was solo going as it is now if you want it

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Complex Consort

Born in the sign of leg licking ankle biting
trees with no upside maps of death
right side up down to the real world
hidden cats behind masks jesters inching their way
past candy striped party machines
producing fantastic stories if you make it out alive
forget your snake death remember your jaguar
claws feathers tail through the ceiling
rattling toothy what is to come grasping

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Passion rose
chrysanthemum center
what is real divides dreams
botanically round and square
a border you could cross even this
happens later then unannounced 
looks regular a rash of hopefuls
gathering round to cheer you're
elected president even when
you weren't exactly running

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Shorter and shorter instead of longer and longer
what could be happening in the town what could
how does this figure in the magazine it took
quite some time speaking to hear myself think
reality contained within something so small 
a map of branches leaves pathways beyond
memory chanted whispering sung on air

Monday, June 9, 2014


They were curious companions to the end
would be in the future without the other close
On the phone I heard my grandmother's voice
someone else spoke to me so directly the mystery
put up with all the jazz and card game evenings doing
nothing special up early the next morning that's all

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Me (My Mandala) And I

There was something to speak about
how to approach its mute swooping
perching at dusk at the bird feeder
finally quiet a staccato commercial
one of the doctor shows sunk into soft couches
The shape of a sunflower if you stare five minutes
into its center 3D climbing falling still green
stairs and slides back round up layered triangles
dinosaur crests tongues against sharp tongues down
round and round the flat ones and the many few

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Seventy Years Ago

The war made her soft the war
hardened her to the point of stupidity
melted anything that came near
nothing left fragments dominated yet
things got planted magenta pale pinks
she took care of her feet those dogs
they were puppies pointing to church
the big things were ignored the small
extra important one crisis per minute
each part of her body her friend her
confidant saying please don't leave

Friday, June 6, 2014

Disappearing Island

Clean up clean sweep starve into empty space
mulch it takeover down into compact ingredients
worms pill bugs sludge on the bottom of container
for grassy raspberries when they were finally found
slipping around in the grit beneath dew I found your
brow I wish I could go soothe with poetry how futile
all else above all else my mind clearing seconds ago
paradox cottonwoods flipping their flat twisting leaves

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Now That It's Mentioned

Wherewithal extravagance sheer
willpower to get through days then
milkweed pods broken open cloudy
tangled desire it showed happening
on their faces constant hunger near
their eyes believing always in some
where else entirely picking over it
scraps in the middens looking out

Was this like her yes and no with
limits always limits as endless talk
swept away lost in telling strange
did not recognize gentle kindness
right away in all that grace adding
amounts especially getting going
how on earth to continue so tough

Small trees half trees standing just
for a minute a short life of meditation
alongside the huge river its sun shore

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Yellow full green fog high up
with birds apple leaves the berries
baths are quick a breeze slightly
along side the house everything
sinking Shasta daisy clump deep
what passes for daylight still
deciding another bursting still
ahead and what is moving slowly
through the tall field shiny midnight
fully absorbed in what is on the ground

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

At Apple Tree

Lake Missoula had been through
low sleek canoes haunting
north shore could see across
to the archive of water
ways and interests traveling
this across direction above all else
their baskets with triangles useful
red cedar thimble berry camas
now a place of new buildings
lots of art thrown in for effect
rumblings every so often shrieks
across the open sky remembering

Monday, June 2, 2014


Smaller is older mystery collapsing
into murder unmentioned later in a
question bubble anything goes narrow
following the evidence what am I
writing about now I am supposed to
tell you this but keep you guessing
close behind my words are doubtful
qualities one step removed from
the moments of quick confidence
recipe a little too perfectly explained

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Basic Interpretation

Bare facts all alone with nobody else
bear fat or Bear Fat that character
who appeared quite frequently
back then when Dad was super
Dad and Mom basically herself
not much more to his antics
haunting each story before sleep
before waking any meaning
punch line happy ending up
in his basic dream where his
is the main role and others fall
away just like real life just when
things get serious people wash
their hands focus forward
everyone rushing around then not
small signs disappearing symbols


In dreams my bones dance
just so just so they danced
in refinement in tandem
to another strange quarter
me but not me the man took
all the credit it was a laugh
his after all and what could
I say my role as bird or runner
caught between flights lucky

Friday, May 30, 2014

Sham Battle II

It is a real battle calling it sham
softens blows the nerds need not
bother but instead are free
melting ice caps in the darkened
room of Miss absorbed with blemishes
on her face nine and counting how
did this happen so fast did I sweat
in the ninety degree heat hydrating
seething time maintaining cool

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sham Battle

What they want to do up courts
I have too much energy he said
to sit in this seat and watch
Disappearing Ice on our globe
the dirty mush bringing sun down
swiss cheese holes all melting up
slammed through the ages releasing
ancient air tiny bubbles into our
hair where does it go lungs all

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


A rainbow split the day in two
separate days each appealing
one without all the color
and one with extra shimmering
thrown in there would be tea
waiting at home later on I could
dismiss this fact but it is the only
thing that keeps me noticing

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sugar Data

Girl Friday speaking of my system
my language another day frilled numbers
made up on the spot or else over a long
period of time either out of the box or inside
rooms of it reams it collapses as more gets
added plays out over time long ago now

Saturday, May 24, 2014

If I May

If I might
have the words
to complete

to follow

Friday, May 23, 2014

Dada's Girl

Slipped the knot untied the vine
flew the cooped-up carpeted box
called house called home a desert
of rocks creosote and sand creeping
in at night under the window sill
front door a fine powder just a neat
line so easy to disturb forgotten about
until tomorrow could we be your kids
if you bring us food a party why not
why not I promise I will not create
anything not even know I am there

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Make It Last

To go back look again feel what was there
in the dark cave little air dust what was brought along
suddenly new and modern looking gear best left
outside the questions they ask do not require answers
it is you they are examining not what you say especially
your answers are all wrong what you include in them
they are reworded to suit the question and this isn't done
by you but by them the shift not noticeable at first but
then quite obvious by the end of two hours only thinking
this person would be better off learning keyboarding
learning anything else but how to be cheerful powerful

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Minus Sign Magnet

What else was there to do?  Staring
staring wishing it would all return
come back and fill in the places
but everything would be different
then who would run the ballet who
would practice their legwork set aside
time for it all mostly it looked normal
as it would on any planet but it was
some other place all together this was
not what it seemed where nobody belonged
except just to pass through promise to come
back sometime during  another season 
steadily on thoughts nights gorgeous air
a silky ocean something to live for

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cave Deposits

What happened in dusty Hidden Cave
following the lake shore as it left
forever Fallon's mannequins
protected from the sun shirts on
shirts off the past goes where it will
without them without their circle

I read the report
predictions active and passive
another way to cook the data
save it for later something HQ
hadn't foreseen--
this extreme recycling
saving what had been gathered
from far off earlier that day

Monday, May 19, 2014

Lake Poker Face

It was quiet clear the lake haunted
everything even at night there was
little relief after a year of thinking
different levels angles views how
could we leave it as such without
even a backwards glance graduate
to dreams goals objectives follow
a plan make the others proud soon

Data Report: Ancient Lake Lahontan

About the sky
larger than the land
if that seems possible
anything could be
dry music
boats nets
baskets catching
sailors wait now
at the lone shore
their castings quiet
looking down
into the tomb
gaze across the water

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Slow On The Take

A lot happened around the sink
draining not moving that's what
it was like there back then yes
they said not to gather any just
enjoy the beauty so fleeting
anyway at home they don't look
the same wilt quickly glass jar
noticeable happiness all over
life happened irrigation ditches
as swimming pools grasses fine
structures for studying life the time

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Waterbabies

Their haven we stare and stare
still can't see no eyes will tell
remember terrible tale legs
tangled pulled down their long
teeth blue skin lots of hair do we
know them no words all data lost
watery chamber of fear of dust why
is the place so satisfying nobody else
knows what's there what lurks swims
stealing away underneath the ancient sea
haunting having haunted the land up above
their analysis upside down reaching
for comprehend instead of create

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Dead mirror sky door
glow we call very round
I did not call the town
by its real name it was
a mimic of my mind my
thinking a body almost
mine where I lived moving

Each day the glint grows
too much to photograph
what did you fall in love with
was it someone or some place
thing just beyond direct reach
what grows could be harvested
cut or left as is what will it be

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What Say

You that to which I did it was so bright
moon a spotlight into the room it was
not night at all but a kind of day there
sliced up everything longer than usual
without squat sun sitting on it all
slipping behind doors even windows
blinking straight ahead moved
over to remain there next to nothing

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Got the Google

Google got the google in me
maybe only lots of goo
what happened to the other
how did it go? away
slipped by the details

what is interesting now it could be
the grocery list the cooler the facts
about the calendar today's newspaper

Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Fallen Colleagues

They cared too much were too hands-on
during the nuclear winter of corporate takeover.

     The school had never seemed shabbier
slapped together as it was, in the winding town
of false fronts
unsightly backs.
     The town mistook itself, over and over,
for touristy.
     It was a homeless hub.  Heroin kits
found in the bathroom of the tiny library
war veterans from near and far spending the night
finding dry spots under the small boardwalk. 

It didn't seem to matter
how often or how little a situation grew
right smack in the path of the current outbreak
escaping from the volcano up slope.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Spirit Call

they are speaking but we can't hear what sounds nonsense even to the others to them it must be said it must be screeched growled sung all together and alone at night moon sun specially during the dancing if you ask what it means nobody knows only that it must be given away to those who don't get it are treated with love or else ignored or else eaten wounded running away is also a choice in what they call the kingdom why it must come to this nothing remains definite just as a tree is sugar flowers so turned to the sky look here blurring what is between cages the orchard walls are high climb them meet there with a torch or use the moon to see 

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Wait awhile see if
it is alive
foamy then ready
shadows small

in the cool spots
luxurious air
simmers down
wraps over
the tired couch

driving through ghosts
of  big trees
hauled away forever
hear about exotic
botanical drawings
from not so long ago

remembered canopies
spots where  lava
went around
left a small hole

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


How it's been what is what
turned under soil heavy potential
for the new garden ordered from
far away across water past waves
handle it frantic or not at all
always was a strange activity
others accepted as eccentric
at best and dangerous otherwise
some are symbols and some not

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Data Snafu

Numerals too hot to touch viscous
until slow air other poured places maybe
somewhat broken in two leggy
digits misread unreadable collapsed
now lumpy useless not until much later
will anyone see any use somewhat
almost Rye Crisps clattering over

The team decides everything
which ones are impeding the process
tallies outcomes targets
what is crumpled what remains
shut in the file cabinet jammed shut
kids pounded it when the sub was here
when I drank a Snapple a small drama

Monday, May 5, 2014

Common Corporate Bastards

In the land of the free the brave
change quite individual or that
anniversary shock back again

to take the blame silliness
creeping nagging doubt fills in
feed the belly loss eats itself full

clouds their ideas swift
how it can relate in time in space
other ones shouting attack or else
leaving poetry behind for other things
in the library just across the way
target evidence redundancies
bite me a big one check me off

Sunday, May 4, 2014


A minute passed
well maybe more
than a minute
along the way
I blinked only once
in my dream
far away the volcano
rumbles close considering
how the crow flies
or flew I could see
so clearly but not for long
just enough to catch
the drift of things

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Ohne Feste Wohnsitz

Grateful for the stamp
on your ID
the OFW says
you can get this and this
tobacco chocolate
on Christmas Eve
before sleeping cold
underneath the city
just passing through
worshipping the sun
worshipping the moon
drinking it all in

Friday, May 2, 2014


Reliable dreams sure steady
your friends guide you there
to the demon's breakfast of fruit
yogurt and death so shadowy
only the outlines make sense
some kind of music tinkling
in the background of your life
crowded with messy covered
in gravy smothered green

Resist! Innovate! Translate!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Rainbow Eucalyptus

Surprise what is buried underneath
chunks of cheese somehow attached
inside their tombs sporting felted hats
feathers all the trappings of movement
remember the animals the wind their
hooves their wings up above traveling

their ferrets patiently part of the scene
in the give and take take take take take

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


It doesn't weigh much empty
that's what the image tells
full to the brim still it is light
dusty underneath watered down
made into mud huge windows
looking out for the others
that were inside they remembered
less than expected maybe we
can go find them go listening
get a different verdict than what
they said in the old country before

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

From The Hip

They planted everything they could imagine
especially corn in rows according to the date

She was that magic it was seven eleven
and the calamari buried inside
little mounds were what
the cats loved best above all else

The rows were crooked but things grew
this story came out of nowhere
it was somewhere in the past now

Please plant these he said and meant it
they help assemble five thousand
all hope on the surface before it was
pushed down again nicely watered

Monday, April 28, 2014


Soft flowery petals strong
enough for a woman but made
for ants for the fire ants their
stinging stories their divine
chambers all in all their glorious
inabilities made strange made certain
my meditation does not become my own
curl of April's last humor yellowed
with too much handling by the pm

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mythical Core Shift

I'll wait for the sale on mindfulness
twenty dollars to put it on the pacing
guides the code shift you're here for
the day tell me why I go to places
where I'm disrespected though the
cultural lens stereotyping in order
to survive ruminate future no such
thing who to work cover the west
poor choices are not evil beings
nearly the death of us that what
we have done greater than
the acronym might indicate
beating stabbing cooled pancakes
popcorn these are the actual skills

Friday, April 25, 2014

Who's Your Sub?

Give me their number
You can go home sick
if you agreed to that job
the job is for you right
off the bat they have coffee
there in Arizona a couple
weeks ago layover somewhere

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Skeleton Teacher

Skeleton school climb up the bones
fill in ribs windy
thoughts absent ask the vendors
bosses gods demands compete
forever unfulfilled 'til death
profession disappeared
all bones they walk backwards
old mind young heart

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Few Busted Booms

When they got there it wasn't
all that cracked up to be
against mountains who could win
so they returned in a complete silence
ancient trees down all clear could maybe
understand where all this was heading
jobs in town what you could get
orderly streets mostly straight
front porches for the summer
smooth surfaces easy up
off the ground a few feet

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Begin At The End Of The Trail

Say you were there you were
say it over and over again
becomes true smoke true mirrors.

Not here to recall overflow
picture unsuspecting with flowers
portage of long ago ruined turn back

and forth go past rusting slump
massive won't be embarrassed
focus more on breathing.

Monday, April 21, 2014

One Advantage To Losing

"certain laws of blue sunlight..."

It's not the green flash
but the blue light of walking
I tried to enter it tried to beg
I made the soup palm the oranges

At the door I arrive late
before anyone else
know the disappearing world
just at the edge how it works

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Noise

There was a lot to figure out
before the next disguise could be chosen
after all it was not a huge surprise HQ
took this aspect to heart 

Every murder needs a body after all
obvious to the mere passerby

Here a dilemma a challenge
happy to take on
the noise of Easter 
kicked to the curb
only one way up

Friday, April 18, 2014


One mentioned a rumbling sound
without laughing so it must have
been true let's be more positive
they said in the meeting
half dozen these don't last
forever that's for sure where
will this go one more month
outta here they gave the prisoner
choices at the very end he kept
stalling was suddenly childish
is this the way it happens 
say that was you this is you
what did you like to do then
not counting dreaming but look
at your parallel life line
and the small scars scratches

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Strange blocky beings moving ever
so slowly searching for others
hiding in plain sight suffocating
sugary sugar it bubbles up
to the surface holes simple breath
will last fifteen minutes the further
they travel the harder it will be
they snatch a breath then travel on
forms an impenetrable barrier
for now they've reached a dead end
and must wait retreat to open water
the journey to the feeding grounds
shorten by the day they gather to hunt
in the murky depths for two minutes
go on around the clock driven by winds
currents fragmenting over a mile away
a shift in power is beginning to arrive

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ruins Dear

Fire seemed past sun or moon
all that redness in the moon or sun
now they could play again law into
their own hands after the evacuations
at the door get out we had to
the headlines were part fact and part
unable to go any further word
got around carrying what they could
the stream seemed dead great silence
arrived in what was left
comprehension all that was left
foundation a little sewing machine

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Jealous Dark

That's when all thought of Poetry
gold alchemy search all dumped together
beautiful middens igloo rugs everything
thought were mine secretly my own
turned tiny dead small in the shadow
thoughts lit rounded and strange
so still could not breathe or else
it would smear a wiggly streak
across a little loop above last night's
coppery less bossy than the icy white
even clouds probiotic in their
drifting that wasn't my gold my igloo
after all in the shadow there was more
can't forgive the tomb however
and the friendliness of the skeleton
others how easily changing back

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bees In My Throat

Looked under pillows behind the curtain
under my nails through the window past
my tooth beyond my dreams it wasn't there
not really it wasn't mine why did I call it that
why should it be the possessive case when
my suitcase is not packed yet I don't even
own one but lumpy packs shopping bags
no firm destination in those just outlines

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Best When Used By

I was trained by Larry
about the plastic wrap (trade secret)

then again by his brother Gerry
our other boss the busy one

Gerry's wife showed me later
some more about the plastic wrap

when in doubt throw it out
Larry always calling in his lunch order

voice disguised a secret shopper
from the office in the back

bologna on white with regular
mayo no lettuce almost apologetic
our employee wall our pictures 
shirt with blue grey my hair good

the picnic where nobody
had an appetite out at the reservoir

honeyed ham enough cheese already
film stars after all not employees

barely aware you could get suspended
or stay on and attend endless meetings

wishing to get canned like now
like then only there is more now

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Pling Plang Plung

Thought I could laugh it off
hide in a memory or on an island
wait isn't this isn't that

last curl in a slack spiral
same as just a moment ago
hairdo my pillow just invented

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

It's All G

People pay you to worship
six dollars and sixty-six cents
stuff you can buy at McDonald's
that proves it Illuminati 
you have to be rich to be one
stalking friends on Facebook
that's why I can dunk it
look up to them keep playing
Please don't get Mr. E next time
even though he brings you avocados
they are not from his tree

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


But your lesson what you
want them to know is that
accurate?  Rubric looking
at rubric yes clarify?
Understand the process?
Yes.  Q's?  No. What does
L3 mean?  Type in Q's
also put the assessment
more specific you did
say sentence patterns [I did not
answer] (I did not have this
in my plan)  How will you know
standard learning happened
in the lesson how will
the written the summary
meet your expectations

Monday, April 7, 2014


Bring out the onion
ask you to peel it
your hands weep
they do what they've
always done robots
your arms summarize
eyes do the job for you
put you in the situation
beside yourself all along
plan to meet up again
don't blow this off
you are excellent you are
running water the knife
butter potatoes the soup.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

You Say Tomato

I thought I read happiness
in fancy script
pure range mystifying
I would pay the price
without too much hoo ha
never questioning
in fact I learned

America isn't tame yet
that summer they fixed the porch
used the level a lot on the steps
pounding wild with the hammer
next to the lake see where
they go gauzy woolly

Friday, April 4, 2014

Oasis Al Dente

Come back to 29 Palms

go to the farmer's market
listen to NPR

belly full of muesli 
floss cardamom

my tooth my war 
dead fronds manage
expensive stars
gulp down organic sand

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Fool

You're at the wheel
the answer isn't there
put that away and study
the scenario
Your mind is a genius
your mind is an animal
finds it difficult to pause
a situation in which you find
A concert with friends next to you
offers you alcohol it feels like
everyone is looking at you home
waiting to hear your phone buzzes
You captured it all the easiest way
Three things you could practice
to help pause two positive things
Flower in ear alone doesn't count
You need to use a complete sentence

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Born To Speak Of This

When our husky took off running
teeth open mouth tundra
Whiskey in the shot glass  
dumped into his beer glass
Slightly suicidal but oh with such
flourish thirsty anchor again

The murderers act surprised
by new blood over old streets
New streets are made old
faces old moons bone white
The  masque drapes data
drowns out weeping simmer down

Words are circus artists travelling
acrobatics forgotten until I until my
Love glows from a body from behind clouds
clouds we can't see experience this
What you left is not leaving any time soon
once a tiny baby grew up a wide grin

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

This Tree And That Tree

Leaves falling addicted to floating
eels small flying fish over near the rock pile
either direction a problem just swimming
between both ends lucky when I laugh
thinking of the two young tourists
all night their stuff gone everything naked
they thought I should finish my swim before
driving them for a few seconds I did then
did not against their wishes mine
dominated get them dry warm husband's
coffee this was before my keys were stolen
twice last year will end soon this year's ideas

Monday, March 31, 2014

Rain On Top Of Rain

It is not the vehicle
but the tires
back was faster
down the old plantation
back then food was the object
now very much so
It is second on the island
after the volcano

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Between the two
I would pick the one then
change my mind about it
tell myself I am swimming
instead of thinking 
arms and legs kicking out
past both trees alongside
the one kids jump from
a big splash and flip
just right before.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Yes My Friend

The style never made money
could not live off it
had to leave
left on the twelfth of February
hotel Chrysler was hiring
stayed in the basement
down low
me tell you
what I know

make sure
this is fire
is water.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Missing Element

Found eventually
called and called got tired
came back for supper for routine
wasn't missing just roaming
flying migrating searching
America's byways scenic points
saying business trip 
needing to think
nothing had been
lost in the first place.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Kendama Sold Here

The plain waits for a plane
that will never deplane
life is plain in Spain the play
present moment of present
moment do my words my wishes
turn into short dreams or is this only
when I am in Spain so flat the cave
a lie so real I need you to sleep.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mrs. Feldenkrais

Checklist of the possible
unfolding disappearance
signal Siamese dropped
the burning mountain
traffic island an issue
one year later go figure
they like to be up above
trees are good otherwise
nobody is allowed to pass
cages picture frame history
a small crown oval and square
he said he is Jung and I am Freud
of course I had to be the unpopular
one but continued swimming
towards the trees one more time.

Monday, March 24, 2014


What makes your poems strong
enough that people are held
answer: the wood is eucalyptus
soft and easy to bend
holds its shape in check
for balance try for a variety
to see which ones look best together
birds are jealous about smooth stone
or the sky how to speak to the forest
floor extraordinary other times bolted
for reading for relaxing several rooms.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring Night

Volcano olden chocolate hills
rain and wind instead of moon
pink cloud reflecting lava
before any shadow sings
you are you are here you are
tourists good looking with accents
those that pass this way are not
so careful about the edge.

Turning In My Badge

It is one thing to wear it shiny
another to pin it carry it
stretch the rules start a fracas
a weird decoration 
the star outside daring history
to do a back flip holding hands.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

How It Will Be

You will endure science fiction 
light switch between life and death
look over after a minute or two 
my arrogance in Kirkland merely 
night time after Cheetos and something else 
snack cart small packets enough to know life
happening still taking up space a parking spot
each breath easy that's how I love that you are here

this sucked I could see it all shifting I was another person
even though the light is extinguished the rest are still on
just look at the crack underneath the door the glow past curtains.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Island King

His statue has been painted seventeen times
scraped away then repainted fished out of the
Falklands larger than life ancient trees shade
wind sugar whales dolphins part of Maui
my smile is not always me eyes one road
tourists buy seven dollar cones complaining
there's language nothing else at the school
dancing is in the community thirty to a room
branches have fallen this is bad they will be cut
new library too far to walk old one right across
yes born right over there at the center living
fragments wait for signatures write the date

Spring Break Day Seven

Calling all dreams above and below
that's what I worried about until
I realized I had gone to that place
green grass pastures lots of slacking
creative to match the other half
index cards in swirly writing
something about a valley I thought
of Oregon of course and that's where
I'll go once I've died again on the job
summer remains my blithe burial plan
installments vicious rates climbing.  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Same Soil Different

Tractor circus
immense river drain
they wanted (more of)
twists decorating rich earth
(they wanted it)
city thinking of the country
(they already had)
county life forever disturbed
city (everywhere) dumb
new potatoes small villages
too hot to touch to deal with

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


The middle part of the epic before the battle
after the battle in the middle of battle
is when the hero takes a breather reflects
maybe even gets a visit from an orb

in your chaps Marble flying
as only a mustang knows
they say know reality
One horse had a wiry tail a Roman
it became untangled broken
Pam (salads) brushed your hair
when Mom was gone
we moved to the desert
couldn't catch you now I beg
call any excuse anything you say
Security all over the place your words
run around it is cold there still I forget

Monday, March 17, 2014

All Epic All Arabesque

Use the universal swirly curl
pull up self to nowhere special
except take turmeric capsules
with water with wood smoke petals
can I send you some today
send you some mint tomorrow
next chamomile after brewed
slow made languid honey
power stirring until integrated
sweetness blends everything.

This is the drink robots crave.
This is the drink of managers.
This is what we give to them.
This is where we get going
even during colony collapse.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

My Side Of The Island: An Epic Account

The other side
has more wind

           heavy mythology



except the part about the cartoon
the diploma the only one they'll
ever see--this was so cruel I laughed
when that is not what I wanted to do

except the boxes are stuffed full of plastics
what then it's about who gets their oil
in the long run even if the "postmaster"
got the delivery just right the address

except I got that from the power point
got how we are spoken to dumbly
speak we speak to each other how

eyes speak hungry words
will the Capek brothers
have the answers

Friday, March 14, 2014


What changed keeps changing
hours minutes add to the epic

What is true about the people to whom this story was originally told?
Which brother had the magical grinder? the race to get water
Is this law fair?

Elephants get cell phones.  Healthy Fries?
Three War Heroes.  Save Our Coral.
Bonus Lesson:  The Romans Are Coming.
Bonus Lesson:  Words Matter.
Another Chance For A Better Life?

Thursday, March 13, 2014


The other attraction mysterious
adhesion spectacular contradiction
failure examined by mysterious other
attraction spectacular examined by adhesion
contradiction mysteriously attracted
Spectacular attraction examined by failure
What becomes another contradiction
spectacular failure contradiction failure

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Gardenia shade
swims in pajamas
sits at the table
what's there
abyss flat gone
roiling in the back.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Back Now

Nutshell haunting
all exchanges
them they the plains
the mountains

small streams
sand-lined river

Monday, March 10, 2014

Past Isn't

Broadband acolyte
wanting nothing better
than to disappear
reappear no sweat
follow vagabond trail

Milky Way gift
smiling with teeth
attractive gap

Language clear
where to stand
the line long
lots of cuts
not a place
but a state

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Outline Daughter

Colors rupture sloppy water
reach back sparkling
to find unfinished animals

Substitute mother who wrapped
little machines hiding a wing
feather giving wanting change

Your name emblazoned gold
little travel trunk ship's name
Dogs wolves just outside
they love to work just say it


The words scratch against buy-in
complete even though the islands
were colder this was what to reach
to aim for in the long run
thought of if before so what
they say is what is happening
will happen the curve
back on itself just a little

Friday, March 7, 2014

Not Alone Dreaming

Three wolves at the door
security went home
left it all up in the air
pointed ears ruffs clean
small dancing feet
legs familiar trees
if I could care less.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Start Fresh Stand Blank

Find the most frequent letter
that letter will usually
leave the room between lines 
solutions are possible 
above all else 
these are examples
not real life 
which is frequent.